TOPIC: Ungodly Character Aborts Destiny
SCRIPTURE: Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. Hebrews 12:16-17.
THOUGHT: Many destinies have been aborted because of ungodly character. It has been established that your character determines what you will become on earth and where you will end in eternity. God might have shown you great plans and purposes concerning your life, still, they may not come to pass until you possess the right character that guarantee destiny fulfilment. Many destinies have been aborted because of ungodly character. And in our message today, we shall consider few of them. Esau was a man who had an enviable destiny but it was aborted by his ungodly character. He allowed his flesh and appetite to control him. He had a character that was dominated by fleshly appetite. He could not deny himself. And the outcome was that he lost his birthright, blessing and destiny. Today, Esau has no memorial on earth because of the bankruptcy of godly character. (Genesis 25:32-33). Amnon, Son of David, was another person who aborted his destiny because of an immoral character or lifestyle. Amnon told lies to his father, enticed and raped his sister, Tamar. And his outcome was untimely death. His life was cut short before his time because of ungodly character. (2 Samuel 13:23-38)
Beloved, ungodly character kills a person both spiritually and physically. Sin kills. Many people have died because of character bankruptcy. Many have contacted deadly diseases because of character bankruptcy, and then eventually died. What is my counsel to you? Refuse to die before your time. Make up your mind to fulfil God’s Purpose for your life. And one way to do that is by maintaining godly character. Make up your mind to embrace the discipline of uprightness so you can fulfil destiny.
Remember this: Many destinies have been aborted because of ungodly character.
- Refuse to abort your destiny by ungodly character.
- Ask God for the grace to live right.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for Your plans and purposes for my life. I receive the grace for the right character for destiny fulfilment, O LORD, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: To be faithful is to be reliable and dependable both before your superiors and subordinates. Let your character be confirmed as reliable.
Culled from the book, “21 Uncommon Keys To Financial Overflow” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Exodus 6-10.
AMAZING FACT: Aircraft radars help pilots detect other planes, weather patterns, and terrain obstacles.