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The Mandate

DUNAMIS: The Dunamis is a Greek word which means Power, taken from Acts 1:8 “you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you”.

Our Mission

What Drives Us
Saturating the earth with kingdom people, principles, presence and power until the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas.

Our Vision

The Future We Envision
Restoring human destiny and dignity by the administration of the benefits of redemption through the ministry of the word and the demonstration of power.

Our Goal

What We Aim to Achieve
Evidence Everywhere – a member as evidence of God’s saving, healing, liberating, lifting and transforming power everywhere people live or work – Isaiah 27:6, Gen 1:28

Our Scope

The Boundaries of Our Endeavor
The whole earth. Starting from Abuja, Nigeria (our Jerusalem), we are set to spread to the farthest part of the earth as God leads. Dunamis International Gospel Centre is established in every continent of the earth.

Our Belief

Our Unshakable Convictions
The gospel is audible (Principles), feelable (Presence) and visible (Power). Many have heard the gospel but they need to both feel and see the gospel. So, we celebrate the principles, presence and power of the gospel in solid word, tangible presence and visible signs and wonders.