SCRIPTURE: Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Hate or bitterness is a weight that hinders a successful spiritual crossover to a new level of life.
We appreciate God for bringing us to the very last day of the year, 2024. He has been faithful to us right from the beginning of the year; we give Him all the glory. As we plan to cross over into a new year, there is a need to offload any burden, weight, or baggage that may hinder our progress to new levels in the coming year. One such weight that can hinder this transition is hate or bitterness. Hate or bitterness is a weight that hinders a successful spiritual crossover to a new level of life. One toxic consequence of hate on haters is the destruction of reason and wisdom. Reasoning and wisdom are eroded from the mind of the hater. Overtime, a hater begins to act in irrational and unreasonable ways, with a mentality already destroyed by animosity. The bosom of the foolish is the resting place of bitterness. The bosom of the foolish is the resting place of anger and wrath. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says, “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.” People begin to act in foolish ways because of the destructive effects of bitterness. We live in a world where brothers from the same womb can hate each other. They can so hate each other that one may even organise to kill the other, not minding the pain of loss and grief that will be inflicted on their parents. He does not see it as a loss to himself, neither does he see it as a loss to his parents, or family; his reasoning has been destroyed by the venom of hatred. Someone once said his wife misbehaved towards him, so in anger, he sought another woman and contracted the deadly HIV. In his anger against his wife, he went out and got infected, bringing the deadly infection home. That was the result of the destruction of sense by hate. A hater has no sense. Beloved, refuse to cross over to the new year with bitterness and hate in your heart.
Remember this: Hate or bitterness is a weight that hinders a successful spiritual crossover to a new level of life.
1. Ask God to deliver you from the foolishness of hatred.
2. Make up your mind never to allow hatred to rob you of your sense and wisdom.
PRAYER: Father, I refuse to be driven by the spirit of hate and bitterness. I receive the grace flow in love so I can scale new levels and heights in the New Year, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Bitterness and hatred are the opposites of love and forgiveness, and these are the opposites of the nature of God and of what God stands for. Culled from the book, “Am I Bitter?” by Dr (Mrs) Becky Paul-Enenche.
DAILY READING: Revelations 20-22.
AMAZING FACT: Modern commercial aircraft can fly for over 15 hours nonstop.
PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): Receive the grace to off-load every garbage of previous years in Jesus’ Name.