SCRIPTURE: Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
Proverbs 29:20.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your today is your seed for your tomorrow; you must give your best today to arrive at your best tomorrow.

It has been confirmed that excellence is key to prominence and eminence. Giving your best is key to leaving where you are to where you want to be.

Your today is your seed for your tomorrow; you must give your best today to arrive at your best tomorrow. The seed of excellence you sow today determines the fruit of prominence you will reap tomorrow.

At your place of work, you must decide to give your best. Do everything you can today; give out everything you are able to give. Give out your very best. And when you give out your best consistently, it becomes a habit. Anything that is your habit becomes your character, and anything that is your character eventually defines your destiny.

For example, Joseph had the character of hard work and concern for people. And this character brought him into the destiny of eminence and prominence.

When Joseph was taken to Potiphar’s house, he gave his best to his work as a servant. He kept working hard until Potiphar’s wife lied against him and he was sent to the prison.

In the prison, he gave his best to the task, ministering to the prisoners. He was concerned about the prisoners’ welfare. Whenever he saw a depressed prisoner, he would ask him “Why are you sad? Why are you looking dull? Why are you looking depressed?”

This continued until one day, the chief butler and the baker of Pharaoh, who were prisoners in the same prison, had separate dreams one night and were both troubled. Joseph interpreted their dreams. One was restored to his work and the other was hanged by Pharaoh.

When Pharaoh had a troubling dream, it was the chief butler whose dream Joseph interpreted earlier that told Pharaoh about Joseph.

Joseph was taken out of the prison; he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and was made the Prime Minister of Egypt. It was Joseph’s character that took him to the palace, the place of eminence and prominence.

Beloved, what you do today determines where you will be tomorrow.

REMEMBER THIS: Your today is your seed for your tomorrow; you must give your best today to arrive at your best tomorrow.


  1. Make up your mind to maximize your today.
  2. Sow the seed of excellence today to have a eminence and prominence tomorrow.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to sow the seed of excellence today. Help me never to waste my today so I can have a glorious tomorrow, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: God’s Servant, Bishop David Oyedepo has said that those who strive for excellence do not strive with people. Culled from the book, “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Judges 13-16.

AMAZING FACT: The world’s largest Bible weighs 1,094 pounds. Built by Louis Waynai in 1930, the book is 43.5 inches tall and a laid open width of 98 inches.

DECLARATION/WORD: Receive grace to sow seeds today that would guarantee an exciting tomorrow in Jesus’ Name.

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