SCRIPTURE: Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Psalm 42:7.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: There is a spiritual magnetic force of attraction between you and that which you desire.

It has been confirmed that desire is the secret of delivery. People take delivery of what they desire and seek after. What you desire, you must acquire.

Psalm 42:7 says,
Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

What you desire is what you attract. There is a spiritual magnetic force of attraction between you and that which you desire.

For example, when you see a pastor who shepherds a crowd of people, it is because he has a passionate desire for people.
Some years ago, the crusade director of Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry came to our church. And while we were talking, he said to me, “I will make sure Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke comes to this church; you know Bonnke likes crowd.”

Then I said, “No wonder he gets crowd.” Reinhard Bonke liked crowd and crowds of people are seen in his crusades.

You see, what you don’t like, you will lack. If your desire is stronger, your deliveries will be greater.

Your assignment is to increase the fire of your desire.
I want you to know that your desire is the call of your spirit. Your desire is a call of the spirit for the manifestation of certain dimensions of God through your life. Your desire is the call of your soul.

There are things your soul is calling for, through your desire. For example, your desire may be a call for a very fearful dimension of prophetic operations, unusual apostolic manifestations of miracles signs and wonders, etc. And as long as that desire remains, you are going to attract the relevant gift and anointing for that level of manifestations.

This is the reason for the difference between the results of different men and ministries. The difference in the results of men is in the weight, quality and the intensity of their desire. There are many light-hearted people, and so, they experience light results in life. So, what you carry is what you can manifest.

Remember this: There is a spiritual magnetic force of attraction between you and that which you desire.


  1. Go through today’s message once again.
  2. Make up your mind to increase the level of your desire so you can attract greater things to your life.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You increase the intensity of my desire. I make demands on the delivery of the treasures of the Kingdom as I increase my level of desire according to Your promises in Your Word, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: We live in a time when sin is on the lookout for victims. This is the time when you do not need to look for sin to sin; sin looks for you, whether on the internet or wherever. Culled from the book, “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Lamentations 3-5.

AMAZING FACT: The first animals to travel to outer space were fruit flies.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): May the Spirit of God fill your heart with the right desires in Jesus’ Name.

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