SCRIPTURE: And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Genesis 3:6.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If you yield to all the cravings of your flesh, you will fall short of godly character.

The flesh is the centre of inordinate desires. Following the desires, passion and leadership of the flesh is a major cause of character failure. To follow the leadership of the flesh is to step out of character. When you do all that your flesh wants you to do, you lose godly character.

Genesis 3:6 says,
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

The point is, the decision to gratify the cravings of the senses is a pathway to character failure.

For example, your eyes may see a flashy car; you know you don’t have the money to buy it yet, but you want to have it by all means. When you decide to gratify all the cravings of your flesh, you will fall out of character.

Following uncontrolled and unbridled passion makes you devoid of character. When a person yields to the craving for drinking alcohol, indulging in prohibited drugs, womanizing or engaging in prostitution, such a person will be rendered character bankrupt in no time.

Beloved, if you yield to all the cravings of your flesh, you will fall short of godly character. That was the tragedy of Eve. She fell into sin when she saw that the fruit was good for food. She fell out of character when she yielded to the gratification of her flesh.

The lesson here is, don’t be like Eve. Refuse to allow the cravings of your flesh make you lose your godly character.

Remember this: If you yield to all the cravings of your flesh, you fall short of godly character.


  1. Avoid the temptation to yield to the cravings and desires of the flesh.
  2. Make up your mind to put your flesh to death always so you can have a buoyant and victorious spiritual life.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to put my fleshly desires and cravings to death always. Help me to live a crucified life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: People who act in the manner of Esau are controlled and dominated by their flesh. They are future-blinded. They only think in terms of today. Culled from the book, “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Proverbs 13-15

AMAZING FACT: Your bone can heal itself by producing new cells. That’s why you are put in a cast when you fracture your bone.

Grace to maintain victory over the flesh be released for you, in Jesus’ Name.

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