SCRIPTURE: …according to your faith be it unto you. Matthew 9:29.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To deploy faith by the way you think, talk, move and act is the pathway to greatness.

Previously, we saw that we are destined for a destiny of greatness, excellence and distinction.

We also saw the forces of uprightness and right mentality as the forces behind excellence and distinction.

In our Study today, we shall be looking at the Force of Faith as a lifting force in life.

Faith is a lifter of life and destiny.
Matthew 9:29 says:
…according to your faith be it unto you.

Beloved, everything that is yours is accessible by faith!
You do not access things in God according to your cries, but according to your faith. Your treasures in God are not accessed according to your church attendance and sentiments but according to your audacity of faith.

You see, faith has to do with what you think, what you say consistently, how you move and the actions you take.

You do not act in faith anytime you move with a defeated mentality. You exercise faith when you move with sagacity, “ruggedity”, audacity, and authority. Faith is a product of what you believe on your inside and your action on your outside.

A person of faith does not behave beggarly. There is a way someone will give you a gift, and you have to reject it because faith does not beg. There is a favour you can refuse because it tends to reduce your dignity. If it is a favour that comes to impose inferiority complex on you, you reject it.

Abraham told the king of Sodom, “Keep your goods and your gifts; I don’t need them. Keep everything in case later you start boasting that you made Abram rich” (Genesis 14:23-paraphrsed).

Beloved, faith is a lifting force. To deploy faith by the way you think, talk, move and act is the pathway to greatness.

REMEMBER THIS: To deploy faith by the way you think, talk, move and act is the pathway to greatness.


  1. Deploy your faith by thinking, talking, moving and acting positively.
  2. Reject every form of inferiority complex. Take steps that establish who you are.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to exercise the Force of Faith to go up in life. Help me to be bold and courageous Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Faith, which is a product of light, is a shield for man.
Culled from the book, “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: 1 Samuel 4-7.

AMAZING FACT: Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.

DECLARATION/WORD: Your faith lift you to the next level in this season in Jesus’ Name.

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