SCRIPTURE: I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
Isaiah 42:8

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you get addicted to the applause of men, God becomes uncomfortable in giving you more results in life.

I welcome you to the Month of July, the seventh month in our year of Above-Only Existence.

The number 7 is the number for rest. Just as God rested on the seventh day, in this seventh month, He shall give you rest on all sides, in Jesus’ Name.

One reason why many people are stagnated in life is because they were not able to handle the applause that came with the little results they had achieved. When you get addicted to the applause of men, God becomes uncomfortable in giving you more results in life. God withdraws Himself from people when they begin to touch His Glory and attribute to themselves what God did by Himself.

One day, I went on a fast to seek the Face of God in prayer regarding the situations of people. There were many people in church in diverse pathetic conditions trusting God for Divine interventions.

In the course of the prayer, I told God, “O LORD, empower me. I don’t want to see people in trouble and be helpless. Lord, please help me to help Your people.”

And I continued the prayer and fasting for about seven days without food and water.
Concerning fasting, the counsel I always give is that if you are fasting beyond three days, please drink water liberally.

So, on the third day of the prayer, God said to me, “What you are asking Me to do is not hard for Me to do, but can you defend My glory? I am not looking for anyone to share My glory with; My glory will I share with no man. I don’t want you to touch it, and I don’t want anyone to touch it anywhere you are.”

That word changed my life!
And I said, “Lord, I will never touch Your Glory. Please try me, and I will return all the Glory to You.”

This is one reason why many people remain where they are. If God should shift them further, they would seek to be worshipped as God.

Beloved, please refuse to touch the Glory of God.

Remember this: When you get addicted to the applause of men, God becomes uncomfortable in giving you more results in life.


  1. Always give all the glory to God in all you do.
  2. See yourself as a privileged channel of God’s use and do not touch the glory of God.
  3. Look away from the applause of men; never allow it enter your head.

PRAYER: Lord, I resolve today never to touch or take Your Glory. I decide to return all the glory to You for all Your works in and through my life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Put an up-beat praise music and begin to celebrate and jubilate to the glory of God. When you begin to do that, your joy will come back. Culled from the book, “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Proverbs 10-12

AMAZING FACT: The sun’s surface, the photosphere, is blistering at 9,932 degrees Fahrenheit.

Let the LORD “engrace” you to combine humility with authority. The grace not to touch His Glory be released unto you, in Jesus’ Name.

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